World Neighbors-supported farmers prosper despite extreme weather patterns
June 2, 2017
Adela Jerónimo
June 2, 2017Bihar

The World Neighbors supported, Bihar Integrated Rural Development Program (BIRDP), is operating in Madhubani district, Bihar,India. The program covers 43 villages from 4 blocks – Phulparas, Ghoghardiha, Andhratharhi and Khutouna. These areas are highly flood prone and almost every year communities are affected by flood and drought problems. However, the land is quite fertile and suitable for cash crops like rice, wheat and vegetables. Women in the communities have the double responsibility of rearing children along with earning for their families as almost 40% of the male population has migrated in search of better jobs. BIRDP implements programs with an integrated approach for holistic development. Since the program has reached the maturity stage – its strength lies in conducting training programs and running advocacy campaigns mobilizing thousands of Kasturba Mahila Mandal – (KMM, a Savings and Credit Group) members which has become a social movement in its own right. Our partner, GPSVS, has also prioritized program activities based on the needs identified by the communities.